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Sunday, March 30, 2008

The third element

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TO / DO / tsuchi


As seen in:
doyo (hiragana)u (hiragana)bi doyoubi - Saturday
doboku doboku - engineering work
Not to be confused with:
up JOU / a / ue - up, above

As you could see, with the elements you make the names of the different days of the week.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time of Water

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As seen in:
mizu mizu - water
gesui gesui - sewage
suiyo (hiragana)u (hiragana)bi suiyoubi - Wednesday
Not to be confused with:
fire KA / hi - fire
tree MOKU / ki - tree

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easy kanji - Fire

Talking about energy, lets add this easy kanji
At the end of the post, some other kanjis you should recognize because are similar but not the same.
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KA / hi


As seen in:


hi - fire
kayo (hiragana)u (hiragana)bi

kayoubi - Tuesday

hanabi - fireworks
Not to be confused with:


JIN / hito - person

SUI / mizu - water

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Energy! also named ki!

I guess you probably heard in manga animation or if you practise martial arts the word ki
Ki means spirit, energy, what flows.
Its a very common kanji in japanese and you mainly see it used as a compound.

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You can find it in words like :
tenki : ten ki : weather
denki: den ki: electricity
byouki: byou ki: illness

kibun: ki bun: feelings
kigen: gen ki: healthy

You are likely to find the kanji ki written with some more strokes. As the years go by, kanjis tend to be simpler but some words or places try to keep them as their were.
You will find it sometimes this way for example in the word REIKI.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

If you are really, you want to get tattooed..

and what you have seen yet hasnt changed your mind, you can visit this site that they even sell you the kanji you want to take it to the tatoo artist.,kanji,3.htm

Ok, enough for this topic, lets go back to the central topic in next post.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Finishing the wrong meaning tatoo posting

Yesterday, I met with some friends who also speak japanese and we talked about the "kanji tatooing" subject. When I got home I found this page since it is not a new topic.
It is well explained and shows a lot of images.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Or even worse, meanings are really important

There is a blog with some drawing you can visit too.
But the important thing is to be sure you want to get a tattoo with the meaning you think.
Remember: a point, brush strokes and directions of strokes ARE important too and are the esence of the kanji so whats best is to take a copy of what you want.
When you are sure what u are getting, just enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Make sure it isnt fake

I was reading my last post (in fact I made it some time ago) and came to my mind one day I was walking near a place where you can get a tattoo and I read through the designs and I was surprised that a lot where set as "japanese characters" and the truth is that they didnt mean a thing.

A girl I met last week so happily showed me a lovely design on her nake that looked quite the same as the following drawing.